Dedicated RPC nodes
Ethereum RPC
Experience lightning-fast RPC node performance with our 14-day free trial. Try it now!
Reliable and scalable dedicated RPC nodes with low latency and a built-in fallback service
Trusted by industry leaders
Experience these Benefits with Our Customizable RPC Nodes
Various APIs are available
We support any variety of APIs for your RPC node, including JSON-RPC, WS, and more. We understand that each project has unique requirements, which is why we offer a range of API interfaces to choose from, ensuring that your RPC node is optimized for your specific use case.
Global infrastructure
Benefit from P2P's global infrastructure and choose any region for your RPC node deployment. We work with a range of geographically distributed data centers to find the most suitable option based on your requirements, ensuring maximum network performance and reduced latency for your Web3 project.
Any blockchain
We can maintain RPC nodes for any blockchain, whether it's a mainnet, testnet, or devnet. Our expert DevOps team has extensive experience across a wide range of blockchain networks, ensuring that your RPC node is in safe hands.
Custom Settings
The RPC node can be customized to exact specifications by tailoring settings, plugins, and execution clients (e.g. Besu, Erigon, or Geth for the Ethereum network), thereby optimizing the node for every project's unique requirements.
No rate limits are applied and there's no need to pay extra to increase the number of requests made to the node providing a cost-effective solution for all Web3 project needs.
No Rate Limit
Contact our BD team to learn more about our benefits
24/7 Technical Support
SLA-Backed Reliable Assistance
Direct line to Personalised Assistance
Fallback Service
The highest level of reliability
Get the help you need, whenever you need it. Our expert technical support team is available 24/7 to ensure that your blockchain operations always run smoothly.
Our SLA guarantees reliable support with high uptime, fast response time, mandatory updates, and proactive maintenance. Trust us to prioritize your satisfaction and experience.
Get dedicated support via Telegram, Discord, or Slack. Stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments, and get fast, reliable assistance whenever you need it.
Ensure the stability and responsiveness of your dedicated RPC nodes with our built-in fallback service, providing added redundancy and peace of mind.
We offer RPC node provision and maintenance for a wide range of networks beyond those listed.
Unleash the power of high-performance dedicated RPC nodes with transparent pricing and no hidden fees. Elevate your project today!
BSC, Solana, Arbitrum, Fantom
per node
Osmosis, Injective
per node
per node
per node
per node
Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche
Geographic distribution and load balancing
We provide excellent user experiences across multiple locations while minimizing transaction latency
P2P offers several deployment options, including cloud deployments or hybrid environments. By removing technology lock-ins, we enable you and your solution to be truly agile.
All this you get with the opportunity to have a free trial period with us for 14 days on a dedicated, not sharing node with full access to all its features!
Node resources dedicated to a single client
Can be fine-tuned to meet business requirements
One of the nodes parameter
Type of node:
No maintenance needed (handled by the service provider)
Ability to install additional software
Node resources dedicated to a single client
Can be fine-tuned to meet business requirements
No maintenance needed (handled by the service provider)
Ability to install additional software
Dedicated vs Shared Nodes: A Quick Comparison
All this you get with the opportunity to have a free trial period with us for 14 days on a dedicated, not sharing node with full access to all its features!
One of the nodes parameter
Р2Р Tech Background
Lido on Cosmos and Solana
Multi Blockchain ETL Solution
Router operation dashboard
Subgraph infrastructure
Daily rewards dashboard
Agoric API solution
As a world-leading staking provider, having developed huge expertise and built a strong DevOps team we secure over $1.5 billion in staked assets from more than 25,000 delegators across 25+ PoS networks.

Take Your Web3 Project to the Next Level with Our RPC Nodes
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RPC Servise
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Whitelabel nodes
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RPC Servise